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What is EMDR Therapy?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR Therapy) is a therapeutic method used to help people recover from distressing experiences in their lives. It has been extensively researched and has proven results. Clinicians have to be specially trained in EMDR eye movement therapy, this is not a type of therapy all therapists are able to provide. All of our therapists are equipped to assist clients in preparing for the EMDR process. Before EMDR begins several sessions are focused on helping you learn healthy ways to manage current symptoms and identifying negative beliefs that have developed over time because of  traumatic experiences. With any form of trauma processing there is the risk that things will get worse before they get better. That's why at Mertens Counseling we want to make sure you're prepared. Following the preparation sessions, you can chose to be scheduled with an EMDR trained therapist in our office to begin the process. 

EMDR is different from other therapies in that it helps the brain reprocess information. This leads to natural healing from psychological and physical pain connected to traumatic events rather than helping people "cope" with these events. Your body physically holds on to trauma as much as your mind does. Many of our clients have reported feeling mentally AND physically better after completing EMDR.

One of the best parts about EMDR therapy is it does not require talking in detail about the distressing event. This is great for people who have a hard time verbalizing what has happened to them. If it's too difficult to talk about all the details of your experience EMDR is a great option! Or if you do want to share the details, we'll work through those too. 


In many cases EMDR can be completed  in fewer sessions and tends to have longer lasting results in comparison to using other therapeutic techniques. This is because your brain is doing the healing rather than therapy teaching you how to cope. In my experience EMDR can allow you to have a whole new view of yourself and the world around you which can create more peace and happiness. 

Here are some of the issues and symptoms clients have worked through with our therapists. Any of these fit for you? Are you experiencing something else and want to know if EMDR might be able to help? Contact our office or schedule a session to see if EMDR would be a good fit for you!

  • Physical, emotional, and sexual abuse

  • Sexual assault

  • Domestic violence

  • Attachment issues

  • Relationship issues

  • Grief and loss

  • Flashbacks

  • Nightmares

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Physical pain that is not tied to a medical condition 

  • Single traumatic events such as a car accident, animal bite, complicated surgery, or traumatic birthing experience


Click on the "learn more" button below or contact our office to see if EMDR would be a good fit for you!

Wheat Field- EMDR Threapy
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